“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” - Luke 2:14
Let us remember the reason for the season, the birth of Jesus, our savior.25.12.21
VIDES Pinoy Advent Recollection 2021
Thank You, Sr. Sue & Welcome to VIDES, Sr. Paz!
Last November 28, we bade farewell and welcome to FMA sisters who are very dear to our hearts.
VIDES Philippines Celebrates 26 Years of Being One for Others
VIDES Philippines held a simple virtual celebration for its 26th anniversary yesterday, 28 November 2021.
VIDES Pinoy Brigada ng Panalangin for November 2021
The Brigada ng Panalangin for the month of November, which was attended by more than 30 participants, was led by representatives from the VIDES community in San Roque, Quezon City. Before beginning the community prayer, VIDES Delegate, Sr. Maria Socorro T. Bacani, FMA, presented a short video on the Season of Advent and highlighted the importance of preparing for the celebration of the birth of Christ and of welcoming Him to our homes.
VIDES Pinoy 26th Anniversary Celebration
VIDES Pinoy's Hatid Ayuda sa Pamilya
As a way to help ease the burden of Filipinos this pandemic, VIDES Philippines partnered with organizations to bring rice and food items to underprivileged communities and sectors.
Watch this video to know more about VIDES Pinoy's Hatid Ayuda sa Pamilya:
VIDES 3rd Qtr Formation & Virtual Fellowship
More than 40 participants, composed of FMA sisters and volunteers, attended the VIDES Pinoy 3rd Quarter Formation and Virtual Fellowship held on 26 September 2021.
In line with the celebration of the Season of Creation, the theme chosen is "Kumustahan at Usaping Kalikasan".
Kumustahan at Usaping Kalikasan
Kita-kits! Ingat!
Online Prayer Request Launched: VIDES Brigada ng Panalangin
"For wherever two or more are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them” Matt.18:20
We invite you to join our Brigada ng Panalangin held every 24th of the month in commemoration of Mary Help of Christians. If you have a special intention or prayer request, just post a comment below or accomplish the form which may be found here.
We shall wholeheartedly include your intentions in our prayers.
Revisiting our VIDES Mangrove Planting Activity this Season of Creation
As the Season of Creation continues, let’s have a throwback of our last Mangrove Planting in Mindoro in 2019. I know we all miss going to different places and planting mangrove seedlings for the community but for now, let us continue praying and caring for our common home in our own way.
The theme for this year is “A Home for All? Renewing the Oikos of God." Oikos is the Greek word for house, including the Earth, our common home, everyone living in it, and the web of connections that unites all living things in our common home.
Hope this inspires you to think of ways to do Earth-saving measures in your own way. Make a habit of caring for God’s creation!
Happy birthday, Mama Mary!
Today, September 8, is the birthday of our Dearest Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. May we always be inspired to emulate the love, faithfulness, and dedication she has shown to the Lord.
VIDES Pinoy Kids Write Love Letters for Mama Mary
Kids from communities which VIDES Philippines serves write love letters for Mama Mary on the occasion of her birthday.